How is perineal rehabilitation performed?
How does perineal rehabilitation work?
Discover the different methods, their benefits, and why this approach is essential for your health and quality of life.
How is perineal rehabilitation performed?
The perineum is a group of little-known but essential muscles that support the pelvic organs.
Although often neglected, perineal re-education is a key step in preventing or treating a range of disorders such as bladder weakness, organ descent and certain intimate discomforts.
But what does re-education involve? And how does it work in practice? Let's explore the subject.
Why undergo perineal rehabilitation?
The perineum plays a crucial role in maintaining urinary, intestinal and sexual functions.
However, events such as pregnancy, childbirth, or simply aging, can weaken it.
If these muscles are not re-educated, dysfunctions can occur, affecting quality of life.
Perineal rehabilitation aims to strengthen these muscles and restore their natural tone.
Different rehabilitation methods
Perineal reeducation can be performed using a variety of methods, adapted to each situation and each patient:
1. Manual exercises
Guided by a healthcare professional, these exercises involve controlled contraction and relaxation of the perineum. These sessions enable you to become more aware of the muscles involved, and to use them more effectively on a daily basis.
2. Using perineal probes
Perineal probes measure and visualize the strength of perineal contractions. They provide immediate feedback via a device or application, helping to gradually improve muscular performance.
3. Biofeedback
This technique uses visual or audio feedback to guide the patient through perineal contractions. A sensor measures muscle activity, and the results are displayed on a screen, facilitating progress.
4. Electrical stimulation
In certain cases, when the perineum is very weak, low-intensity electrical impulses can be used to stimulate the muscles. This method is painless and gradually strengthens the perineum.
Is re-education effective?
Perineal re-education generally gives excellent results, provided it is carried out regularly and assiduously.
However, it is not an immediate solution: you need to plan several sessions, often spread over several weeks, to see significant improvements.
Still a taboo subject
Despite its importance, perineal re-education remains a little-talked-about subject. Problems associated with the perineum are often shrouded in silence, due to embarrassment or lack of information.
And yet, taking care of the perineum is just as important as maintaining any other muscle group.
A metaphor for understanding
Imagine your perineum as the base of a building. If the foundation is stable, everything else is solid. If it's fragile, imbalances can occur. Re-education is the equivalent of strengthening this base to ensure the stability of the whole.
In conclusion
Perineal reeducation is essential for maintaining or regaining a good quality of life.
Whether after childbirth, surgery or simply to prevent disorders, it offers solutions tailored to each individual.
If you think your perineum could benefit from special attention, don't hesitate to talk to a healthcare professional. Investing in rehabilitation means taking care of yourself and anticipating future challenges.
Why not take action? Make an appointment with a specialist to assess your needs, or find out more about the solutions available. Your body will thank you.