What is perineal reeducation?


The perineum, often overlooked, deserves your full attention!

Find out in this article what perineal reeducation is, why it's essential, and how it works.

Whether you're concerned about bladder weakness, a recent pregnancy or just curious, this article will answer all your questions.

Take care of your perineum, as it plays a fundamental role in your daily well-being!

What is perineal reeducation?

You may have heard of it after childbirth or when consulting a health professional about bladder weakness, but do you really know what perineal reeducation is? 

Think of your perineum as a safety net: it supports your internal organs, accompanies your movements and maintains your balance. When this net becomes slack, it sometimes needs to be tightened to regain its full effectiveness. This is where perineal rehabilitation comes in.

Definition of perineal rehabilitation

Perineal rehabilitation is a set of techniques designed to strengthen or rebalance the muscles of the perineum. 

This group of muscles, located between the pubis and coccyx, plays a fundamental role in urinary and anal continence, support of the pelvic organs (bladder, uterus, rectum) and even sexual function.

Why do we need to retrain the perineum?

A weakened perineum can lead to :

 - urinary leakage

 - a feeling of heaviness or prolapse (descent of organs),

 - reduced quality of sexual life.

These problems can arise after pregnancy, childbirth or the menopause, or simply as a result of certain habits (chronic coughing, high-impact sports, etc.).

How does perineal rehabilitation work?

The rehabilitation process often begins with an appointment with a healthcare professional: a midwife, physiotherapist or doctor. 

During this consultation, an assessment of the perineum is carried out to evaluate its tone and elasticity.

The techniques used vary according to need:

Voluntary contraction exercises

Also known as Kegel exercises, these involve contracting and releasing the perineal muscles to strengthen their tone.


This method uses a perineal probe to visualize muscle contractions in real time. It's a bit like a personal trainer guiding you towards better control of your body.


In the case of a very weak perineum, mild electrical impulses can be used to stimulate the muscles and help them contract.

How long does it take?

The length and frequency of sessions depend on the needs of each individual. In general, you need between 6 and 12 sessions, at a rate of one per week, to achieve results. 

Regular home exercises are often recommended to prolong the benefits.

The challenges of perineal rehabilitation

“Does it really work?”

It's a legitimate question. The answer depends on several factors: regularity of sessions, commitment to the exercises, but also the initial state of the perineum. Re-education requires patience and perseverance, but the results are often very satisfactory.

“Is it uncomfortable?”

Some people are apprehensive about sessions, especially when they involve the use of a probe. Yet healthcare professionals are trained to guarantee your comfort and answer your questions.

The limits of perineal rehabilitation

However, it's important to recognize that it's not a miracle solution. 

In certain cases, such as advanced prolapse or severe lesions, re-education alone may not be enough. 

Additional treatment, or even surgery, may be required.

What about you? How are you getting on with your perineum?

You deserve to live life to the full, without discomfort. Whether you're post-partum, going through menopause or just curious to know more, don't let taboos hold you back.

Consult a professional for a check-up and take care of this key muscle in your well-being.

Dare to take the plunge, because every little effort you make for your perineum is a big step towards improving your quality of life.

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